This one was published in the reincarnated Noose Letter from Dragon Publishing, volume 1 issue 3, in 1996 under the byline of "Member B0018." It was later republished on the now-defunct Gay Male Hanging Site, but the author was listed there as "anonymous."
I found him about 3:00 as I walked down the trail a few miles off the road in a remote part of the park. The sun was warm, giving a hint of what the Texas summer would be like, but it was still pleasant since it was only February. I couldn't believe it when I saw him, but as I got closer I could see it was true. The guy was hanging about a foot and a half off the ground, a half-inch rope connecting his neck to the tree branch overhead. Very much dead. His hands were tied behind his back. He wore only a pair of weathered brown leather cowboy chaps and his boots--his shirt and pants were gone. He hung almost motionless, except when a light breeze came up he'd sway and spin a little.
Seeing him like that was a gruesome sight, and I didn't want to get too close, but then I didn't want to not look either. I glanced around to make sure I was alone, then moved in a few steps. His skin was a pallid gray now, and his face was darker, probably from hanging here strangling. His chest was hairy and the fur was thick around his crotch, where his cock was pointing out erect and his balls were pulled up tight. I'd heard a man could get hard and maybe even shoot as he was being hanged, but I never expected to be able to confirm that. Around behind, I saw his back was hairy too, a little less so on his nice round ass which was framed nicely by the chaps. His wrists were rope-burned from his unsuccessful efforts to get them free before the noose killed him.
I raised my head and looked past his sloping shoulders and stretched neck to follow the noose up to the branch he dangled from. The rope went from there back down to the tree trunk, where it was looped around the trunk and tied off I circled back to look up at his bearded face, his eyes still bulging and his tongue poking out slightly between his blackened lips. Bet he was a good looking feller before he strangled. "Poor fucker," I said. He didn't say anything back.