I got the letter from him in June. He was the first guy to write to me from the Hangman's Noose Club. It was a short note, but effective I almost orgasmed reading his fifth paragraph:
The type of person you and I need to meet is one that will do exactly what the other person wants no more, no less. I would always respect your wishes and go only to the limit set in advance, but I could also go all the way with you (and vice-versa) and enjoy watching that big man body stretched and hung nude, cock and balls swaying in the breeze. I would see the big guy shit, piss, and come all at once. I'd let you swing about two hours, cut you down, and bury your ass face down in the earth.
My heart was pounding and my dick was hard by the time I finished the letter. I wrote back right away, trying to match his letter's tone. A couple of letters and a phone call later, and we had a date.
The night before I got the plane tickets, I re-read the letter, calmly for once, realizing this was a guy who wanted me and he wanted to kill me, to see my big furry body dangling from a tree limb. And I was going to play with him. I couldn't get the image out of my mind of my big furry body hanging from the tree, slumped shoulders and drooping head and feet.
The next day I bought the ticket. One way.