Usually I want to post photos here with some of the story behind them. This one's story has eluded me so far. In fact, I can't really be certain it's historical. Maybe it's from a TV documentary. The little camera logo in the corner gives me pause too; I don't know if this is a photo from a stock agency, or rather which one. I've had some photos in my computer collection for years, and as I've commented before details are hard to come by with Internet photos. Having said that, though, this is a pretty good Western-looking photo. I've run into a few guys on IRC who would like to be noosed up and geared up like this guy.
Anyway, if you happen to know anything about this photo, please drop me a line in the comments. Or if you have anything else to say, for that matter.
I spent a couple of hours back when you posted trying to scour for that camera icon, which I just know I've seen, but with no luck. I'm almost certain it is from a site that hosts pictures used for online auctions, such as eBay. In which case, someone probably bought the picture and... used it.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. :-(
Thanks for writing. I'm glad to know I'm not crazy for thinking that little camera icon is from some relatively mainstream source. I think your notion that this picture was for sale, and then purchased and scanned, is a pretty likely one.
Also, sorry it took so long for me to reply. Life is full of distractions.
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