Friday, August 22, 2014

It has been so long since I posted anything new here, you probably just about gave up on me. Maybe you thought I was dead, even. Probably got myself hanged from a rope somewhere, left there by a guy who I should've checked out better before I said I would play with him. My crotch took over when he said he'd help me out with my noose "problem." He helped me out, all right, up to a point... but when I was hanging from the rope, that's when he decided he was done helping. He watched me kick, watched me try to grab at the rope, watched my cock bounce around, then watched me slump and give in to the noose. Then he walked away to let someone else find my hanging dead body.

Or ... not.

Fortunately (I guess) I'm still here. Unfortunately, the foregoing is about all the finished writing I have for you. My fingers are crossed that my writer's block goes away soon. Or else, readers might have to get together to make me pay for the lack of new stories.


Unknown said...

Hey man, this is still a great site to visit when I'm feeling horny about a good noose story.

It's good to see you post again and to know that you weren't hanging dead at the end of a rope (for real) at least. Would love to see some new personal shots with you in the noose!

A grateful reader,

Thank you

hangdog said...

Thanks! Appreciate the kind words. I used them as motivation to actually get a new story together. As for photos, that'll take a while. It's hard to do self-pics with a noose, but maybe if I plan it out... we'll see.