Saturday, January 10, 2015

New year's greetings and random thoughts

Happy new year to you ... Wow, 2015 already, huh? Maybe I should make a resolution to update this blog more often. Anyway, just wanted to check in and let you know I'm still thinking about the blog and any readers I have. Thanks for stopping by. There are still notions for stories perking in my head, though I haven't made the time to coax them out of my head and into the computer lately. I will soon.

I've been going through my image archive on my computer and rearranging photos into new folders, deduplicating as I go. It is a long chore, mostly because each image tends to get examined closely, and that's when distractions happen. Large, stiff, somewhat leaky distractions. Perhaps you know what I mean. If I should uncover photos that would be of interest to readers of this humble blog, I will share them. I've mostly limited myself to images that are in the public domain, but I may rethink that this year.

A crazy notion has occurred to me: Maybe a few of the stories I've posted here could be collected into an ebook somewhere. One of the other websites I follow frequently mentions such things created by the blogger. It's just a thought, for now. Which stories would you pick for this, dear reader?

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