Another really old story, this time from 1997 with a few minor edits today. Part of it was true back in the day. I haven't done much self-bondage lately though. Maybe I should.
I got home from work late, because of too much work to do and too much traffic. I needed some escape. I decided that my special little ritual would be just the thing. Off came the work clothes, socks, underwear, watch. When I was naked, I felt immediately better and my cock woke up and started growing. I dug out everything I needed from the cabinet by the bed, then got on the bed to get started.
First was a six-foot length of rope which I used to tie around my ankles. I used another slightly longer rope to tie my legs just below my knees. I took a shorter rope and bound up my cock, with a couple of extra loops around my balls to stretch them out. I had a good boner going so I tied the rope tighter so that everything would stay tied if I got soft later. Then I fastened my leather restraints around both wrists, leaving the lock on the bed ready for later.