What do ya know, a new story!
I walked the dusty streets over to the edge of town where the gallows stood. Mr. Hartness stood leaning against a rail near the scaffold, looking through a magazine or something. The burly, older man looked up as I approached.
“ 'Afternoon,” he said.
“You doing hangin's today?” I asked, trying to look calm.
“Yep. Sheriff ain't booked me yet. Ya got someone who needs hangin'?”
I paused a second, then said “Yer lookin' at him.”
“You want yerself hanged, eh?” Mr. Hartness said as he put the magazine down. “You killed a man? Raped a woman? Stole a horse?”
“No, Sir,” I said quickly.
“You sad about a girl or losin' a job or something?”
“No, nothin' like that. I just … I guess I just need hangin',” I said, my voice going soft.
Mr Hartness walked a couple of steps closer, looking me up and down. “I understand that. Some guys, they just do.” Then he added, “Do it for five dollars.”
I dug into my pants pocked and found my last five dollar gold coin, and handed it to Mr. Hartness. He looked at it, nodded, and put it in his pocket. “I've seen you here before for other hangin's. Guess I shoulda figgered you'd be here for yerself someday.”
I blushed. I was excited and scared and aroused, worse than even when I was here watching those other hangings. All those nights I'd go to bed thinking about this man or that strung up from this gallows, struggling and kicking then hanging still. The night when I realized the guy in my thoughts had turned into me, struggling and kicking and hanging still … at first it scared me, till I realized my cock was still hard and dripping. I guess that's when I knew I'd be here for myself.
Mr. Hartness stepped away, and came back with a box. “Volunteers hang naked,” he said. He set the box down. I knew this, since I'd seen a couple of them myself, but it was a way bigger deal now. I started stripping off my clothes, putting them neatly into the box. It was hardest taking off my skivvies, for I knew he'd see my cock was already fat and half-hard. But he looked at me when I hesitated, and nodded for me to continue. So I slipped off my longjohns and stood nude in front of Mr. Hartness. It turned out another man was maybe 15 feet away, watching quietly, someone I didn't know. That made me blush, even though I should've expected this might draw an audience.
Mr. Hartness put the lid on the box and took it over to place it under a corner of the gallows, out of the way. I stood quietly, trying to not be bashful about my nakedness. He came back with a short thin rope, and got behind me. Pulling my left arm back first, he looped rope around the wrist, then brought my right arm back to it and tied both wrists securely together. I'd had my wrists tied like this once before, so I knew what Mr. Hartness would see when he came around the front of me again. There was no way I could hide my hard-on when he looked me up and down again. He said nothing about it.
“All right, let's get you set up, son,” he said, and he pointed toward the gallows steps. He walked me over and up the six steps to the platform, then guided me to where the trap door was. The floor gave slightly when I stepped onto the trap, which made me even more nervous. He reached up and unhooked the noose from the crossbar, so it could dangle in front of my face. Beyond the loop, I could see a couple other guys had joined the first, standing respectfully watching Mr. Hartness and me.
I saw Mr. Hartness had what looked like a blindfold made of gray cloth folded over a few times. I meekly bowed my head and he put it over my eyes, tying it snugly behind my head. I was actually kind of glad for that. I knew there was nothing I could do about any people who wanted to watch, but it spooked me almost more than the noose did.
I felt the noose going over my head and down to my neck. The rope was adjusted so it was above my Adam's apple, and made snug with the knot behind my left ear. Really snug.
Mr. Hartness came close, bending towards my ear as he spoke. “This won't take long … you'll suffer a little, but it shouldn't be too bad. I'll leave you up here for an hour or so to make sure yer done, but it should only take a few minutes. Any questions, son?”
I swallowed, feeling the tight noose on the outside of my throat move. “No Sir,” I said quietly. “Thank you.”
He patted my head. “You're welcome,” he said. I felt him moving away, and I realized this was it. I started shaking and breathing fast as I stood alone on the trap door, Mr. Hartness at the lever.....
I heard the lever get pulled, then the floor fell out from under my feet. I dropped about a foot and a half before the rope went taut and stopped me hard. The knot drew even tighter with the stop, and now it felt as if the noose was trying to pull my head off. The position of the knot pushed my head off toward the right and down. I kicked a couple of times, but didn't find anything for my toes to touch. I tried to pull a breath in but the rope had my windpipe completely closed. Aw fuck, I thought with a wave of panic flooding me. With the blindfold on, it was dark, but I could tell it was getting even darker – I felt as if I was falling into complete and utter blackness. As I faded, it felt like the biggest orgasm ever came over me, as if my cock would shoot and shoot hard for the rest of my life.
* * * * *
Smith watched with the half-dozen or so other men as Jed Hartness spoke quietly with the nameless volunteer on the gallows. Then Hartness moved away, leaving the naked man alone on the trap door while he prepared to pull the lever. Everyone stood still in anticipation. Hartness pulled the lever, and the volunteer dropped to the end of the rope. The men watched as he dangled, twitching and kicking and obviously suffering from the murderous noose. Suffering, that is, except in his cock which was stiff and pointing into the air as he struggled. He was not the only one with something going on between his legs, either.
Smith's attention was unbroken as the volunteer started to struggle more. He couldn't see the man's eyes because of the blindfold, but he guessed he might be on the edge of unconsciousness from the way his body stiffened and then relaxed. With the second of these twitches, his cock began spurting his seed, shot after shot landing in the dirt below him or down his naked legs. Jones, next to Smith, whispered “yessss” as this happened. Then they all watched as the naked man came to rest at the end of the rope, within moments hanging still and dead.
Only then did Mr. Hartness come down from the gallows and come to the crowd. He addressed Mr. Smith. “Sheriff Smith, good to see you.”
“Likewise. So this one just wanted a noose ride, eh?”
“Yep. Said he hadn't killed anyone or done anything. Just needed the noose.”
Sheriff Smith took a second. “Well, as long as it's only one every few months, I guess it's no problem if we string one up just for fun.” His grin was very small, but it was there.
Mr. Hartness nodded. “That's what I figure, Sir. Let 'em hang before they come up with a real reason to get hanged.” He lit up a small cigar before he spoke again. “I told him he'd hang for an hour, but I figgered I'll leave him up there till sunset, like usual, if it's OK with you. Still have to dig his grave, anyway.”
“Very good,” Sheriff Smith said. “May as well leave him on display for a while.” Already one or two others had walked by to see that a hanging had just taken place. Smith and Hartness they watched the naked volunteer hang from the gallows for a while, following his slow swinging as the breeze brushed against him. Then the sheriff headed off to let the gravedigger know his services were required.
It would be nice if volunteers could opt for no drop or a very short drop.
How wonderful it would be if we could all volunteer and have an accommodating hangman. I know most of us have had more than one moment when we would have done just as this young man did- thank you as always hangdog
To the first commenter: It's supposed to be a very short drop, about 18 to 24 inches. I'll take a look to see what I can do to make that clear.
Nooseboysf, yeah I think I would've pretty certainly gone to have a word with this hangman already, myself.
I'm glad you like the story. I'm afraid if such a thing actually existed, I might not be here to write about it. ;)
Wish i could volunteer me and my bro. Wed go out in a pair of ankle sox in a no drop sitch. We would.lobe to blow.on the sheriff in our death nutt!
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