Saturday, October 2, 2021

Hangdog's Cottage on

I just mentioned my BDSMLR page for the first time in this blog. Why I waited so long, I don't know. Hangdog's Cottage is small, and only a partial replacement for a Tumblr page I used to have. I've posted a few photos and reblogged some good stories and images from others so far. I haven't put any of my stories there yet; all of those are still only here on Blogger. If you're a BDSMLR member, stop by my cottage.

A literary mystery solved

An astute reader of my BDSMLR page sent me a link to the story I was asking about in July 2021: Hangman, by Storm Christopher "A city-beat newspaperman investigating a string of strange disappearances discovers a trail that leads him to the highest levels of power and deep into a cult of murder and corruption. There may be no escape! Another shocking and suspenseful tale from the dark imagination of Storm Christopher!" If you haven't read this, go get it. Only available in Kindle format, unless you grabbed it when it was posted to the old Noose Network. You will enjoy it.